Keep your chins up
I have a good friend who passed away a few years ago. She was only 76 years wise. I have been thinking about her a lot this week. She was a little grandma about 5'2 and lots of wit. My children and I still have a lot of Nonaisms. not a day goes by without us talking about Nona's pennies from heaven, or Nona bear, or Nona bites (the burnt edges of different dishes) ect. This week as I have become aware of others struggles I am reminded of her one bit of advice. Keep your chin's up. But when said to her, She would follow up with which one? I have recently had the luck of reading her life sketch and found that she really went through a lot in her 76 years of life. No wonder she had her wit and humor. She also said she had learned in life if I don't laugh I would sit and cry. I am watching some friends go through some trials right now and I spent the day fasting and praying for them and wondering what I can do for them. One of these friends has on her blog a scripture that ...