
Showing posts from June 16, 2011

Rainbows vs rain

I heard a quote the other day "you cannot have a rainbow without first enduring the rain." I for one love rainbows. After hearing this quote it made me think about challenges. There are different kinds of challenges. There are good ones and bad ones on the path of life. Some of my personal challenges, Good challenges: for the most part being a parent has been a good challenge. A photo challenge from a friend is a fun challenge, reading the scriptures daily, is a challenge that should be easy but I make it harder than it needs to be. Hard challenges: having my husband gone for a year, loosing a loved one, feeling of being alone, watching my children face challenges. Life is always a challenge good or bad. No matter what kind we face there are three things to do to make it through. Keep your "chins" up. Keep a positive attitude. Stay on the Lords side.